
Rebranding an online logo maker to become a full graphic design platform.

Looka office sign

Scope of work

Brand Strategy
Brand Naming
Brand Identity
Website Design
Marketing Collateral
Brand Guidelines



About the client

Looka (formerly Logojoy) is an AI-powered graphic design platform that guides you through designing a custom brand identity. This includes your logo, business cards, fonts, colours, website and everything you need to launch your business in style while being self-sufficient and executing on your vision.


When Logojoy launched in 2017, its product offering was only logos. The company quickly expanded and started to offer websites, business cards, and social media assets.

The name Logojoy was limiting by having the word “logo” within the company name. Keeping the same name would only hold back the company from expanding beyond logos. The company needed a new name and brand that would support them in reaching that next level of growth.

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blue arrow pointing right
Read more about this project
blue arrow pointing right
Bookmark logo animation


Defining the Brand

Through a series of exercises in the strategy phase, we extracted and refined the brand attributes. The brand attributes set the foundation for positioning the brand and creating the identity.  

Bookmark logo before vs after


Understanding the Users

Looka’s mission is to empower small business owners and side hustlers owners to turn their idea into a brand. To understand the needs of these customers, I created user profiles to represent the range of the users. This painted a clear picture of their demographics, story needs and solutions.

Insights into what the audience needs

Control - To be self-sufficient and execute on their own vision

Convenience - To get designs on a budget, without having to learn new skills

Counsel - To have access to support and professional expertise

Credibility - To create a brand that’s unique and personal

Looka user profile


Positioning the brand

I worked closely with the Looka team to understand and define their brand. Through conversation, brand exercises, and user research, we crafted the positioning statement.

Positioning hypothesis

Millions of people start a business every year, and they have a couple of options to fulfill their branding needs, but they are all too expensive or take too much time. Looka provides a different solution – one that is affordable, fast and accessible. Looka is the only graphic design platform that uses artificial intelligence to streamline the design process, remove technical complexity and turn your idea into a brand.

Looka positioning statement

Creating the Identity System

For Looka to become a leader in their industry, they needed a strong and distinctive identity that is both timeless and flexible. To achieve this I created an identity system made up of 4 core elements.

01 logo

Redesigning the logo

The old logo was not unique or distinctive enough. It did not resemble a brand that you could trust to create a logo for your business as it did not lead by example.

The new logo is simple, distinctive and unique, which allows Looka to be memorable. It now leads by example and represents a brand that you could trust to help you create a brand identity for your business.

Logojoy vs Looka logo

01 logo

Exploring a new symbol

I knew that if I could represent an “L” shape in the symbol, then it would make it easier to associate the symbol with the name Looka. I began exploring an “L” shape, abstracting it in any way I could think of to make it look unique.

But I didn’t like the “L” on its own — it wasn’t distinctive enough. I decided to try two abstracted L’s instead, sketching variation upon variation in my notebook. I then chose the strongest ideas and recreated them digitally to test them amongst one another, ensuring the final decision was justified.

Looka symbol explorations

01 logo

Constructing the new symbol

Before finalizing the symbol, I created a grid to redraw the symbol to ensure balance, alignment and symmetry.

Looka symbol grid animation
Logojoy symbol vs Looka symbol

01 logo

The meaning behind the symbol

A lot of thought went into the design of the symbol. Thinking about how I could create an effective symbol from a design standpoint but also convey a message about the brand and product. The new Looka symbol was created based off three ideas:

1. Letter L

To help brand recognition when the symbol is used on its own.

2. Human Eye

To represent the “eye for design.” Design is very visual, and it starts with your eyes.

3. Finger Framing

Playing off of the name Looka — Finger framing is very popular when referring to design. This represents setting the canvas with your hands. When people say “look-a this” they usually make a hand framing gesture.

Looka finger framing symbol
Looka symbol meaning

01 logo

Exploring a font to compliment the symbol

After finalizing the symbol, I started exploring a font to complement the new symbol. During this phase, I explored clean, approachable and bold sans serif typefaces that shared similar forms and weight of the symbol to ensure the full logo would feel unified.

Looka brand font exploration

01 logo

Testing the new logo

Before finalizing the logo, I compared it to its competitor's logos without the use of colour to ensure that the logo was unique and distinctive enough to stand out.

Looka competitors logos in black and white

02 Colour

Competition colour audit

Before exploring a brand colour for Looka, I did a brand colour audit of their brand colour compared to their competitors. After completing the audit, I noticed that no competitors used blue as their brand colour and only one competitor used blue/purple as their CTA colour. This positioned Looka well to keep blue as their brand colour.

Logojoy competitors logos in black and white

02 Colour

Exploring a new brand colour

After completing the competitor's brand colour audit, I started to explore colours to help differentiate Looka from its competitors. I compared the colours amongst one another, testing them to make sure the final decision was justified and fit the brand personality.

Looka brand colour exploration

02 Colour

Testing the new brand colour

After exploring different colour, the Looka team and I decided that blue still fit the brand's new personality. Before finalizing the new brand colour, I tested it against the competition to ensure that it was unique and distinctive enough to stand out. Because no direct competitors used blue as their brand colour, it firmly positioned Looka to be known in the industry for their electric brand blue.

Looka competitors logos in colour

02 Colour

The new brand colour vs the old one

Because the brand was also changing their name, I wanted to keep as much of the old identity as possible to preserve the brand equity Logojoy built. Because no other competitors used blue as the brand colour, we decided to keep the blue, but give it a facelift to be more distinctive. The old brand blue was a bit bland and too generic. Looka’s new colour blue is a brighter, more saturated blue, one that straddles the line of purple to be more distinctive.

Looka old brand colour vs new one

02 Colour

Choosing a versatile brand colour

The Looka brand colour is very versatile as it passes contrast on both white and black backgrounds — but in cases where the blue can’t be applied, then the logo can strong in black or white.

Looka logo colour explorations

02 Colour

Extending the brand colour palette

I created a new brand colour palette for Looka that is approachable, diverse and bold. The primary colour is electric blue, which also serves as the brand colour. The palette includes five secondary colour that compliment the brand colour and boost brand awareness.

Looka brand colours

03 typography

Choosing the new brand font

Looka needed a brand font that would compliment the new logo and express the brand's new personality – one that is modern, approachable and flexible enough to fit a wide range of visual communications. Because of its versatility and approachable letterforms, we chose Circular Standard to become the new brand font.

Looka brand font Circular


Extending the brand identity

To support the brands new visual language I created a graphic element named the “L-Frame” and a custom brand icon set. The L-Frame is a graphic frame constructed from the symbol to help with brand recognition and ensure consistency across all applications. The brand icons were influenced by the brand font's roundness, creating a seamless system from text to icon.

Looka L-Frame
Looka brand icons
Looka stationary
Blue Looka logo

“Working with Kaejon was an absolute pleasure. You rarely come across someone so passionate about the quality of their work, and eager to learn more every day. I was impressed with Kaejon’s ability to focus on the “why” and the end results, both of which can be hard to find in creatively-inclined folks. I’d highly recommend Kaejon for anyone looking to hire someone to create their new brand. His sharp design skills combined with his focus on a brand’s why, mean that he’s got the goods to dream up the world-class brands of tomorrow.”

Michael Irvine

Head of Marketing at Looka

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